Accent Modification (English pronunciation)

Accent modification and training is for individuals who want to modify or change their English pronunciation or communication skills. This is an elective service that individuals may choose to receive for various reasons. Speech-Language Pathologists can aid individuals in changing or modifying speech patterns in order to achieve clearer communication and feel more confident when they speak.

Everyone has an accent, and an accent is NOT a disorder. An accent (or sounding different from a perceived norm) should be embraced and celebrated as a part of our linguistic diversity. An accent can be the result of the transfer of speech patterns from a primary language to a secondary language, or from learned regional speech patterns (e.g., Boston, New York, Midwestern, Southern accents, etc.). The goal of accent modification training is to increase intelligibility (understanding of speech sounds and words) and to communicate effectively.

Communication is a shared experience in which both the speaker and the listener must actively participate. If both parties can understand each other and communicate effectively during communication, then accent modification training is not needed. When frequent communication breakdowns occur due to mispronunciations of common words (e.g., “steal” vs. “still,” or “chew” vs. “shoe”), or emphasis on the wrong syllable or word (e.g., “PRO-duce” vs. “pro-DUCE,” or “CON-tract” vs. “con-TRACT”), then accent modification training may be helpful.

Training for accent modification might be sought out due to difficulty with the conversational exchange that is affecting how listeners perceive you or for other personal reasons. Research identifies that there are three main components to an accent that may affect a conversational exchange. These include “accentedness,” comprehensibility, and intelligibility. “Accentedness” is the perceived difference between an accent compared to that of the listener. Comprehensibility refers to the ease or difficulty a listener has when receiving a message from the speaker. And intelligibility refers to the extent that a listener is able to understand an utterance produced by the speaker. These three factors are addressed during accent modification therapy to provide the individual with tools that will aid in modifying their accent to that of local and regional norms.

The Compton P-ESL Accent Modification method is an evidence-based method designed to teach native and non-native American English speakers how to speak more clearly and confidently in order to reduce communication breakdowns.

Benefits of Accent Modification training include:

  • Communicate more clearly and effectively in your profession or personal life

  • Reduce communication breakdowns by understanding the cause and how to repair it

  • Gain greater confidence in your speaking skills

With training, you will learn how to:

  • Improve pronunciation of American English

  • Project your voice

  • Improve your overall presentation skills

  • Generalize skills and vocabulary learned in the program to your professional and personal life

If you decide that accent modification is a treatment opportunity you would like to explore, I’m here to help you begin and/or continue your training in achieving your desired accent.